Lectures, seminars, and more lectures…

It’s just a few minutes since I arrived home from UP. For some reason, I feel like I’m in some intra-campus tour since I’ve been “booked” to have a few speaking engagements. Last week, I held a talk on resume writing for students from the...

Employee burnout is the workplace enemy

How many offices really keep their work-hours pegged on a steady 9 to 5 grind? Why do we hear of so many cases of burnt out employees? Employee burnout is a form of psychological, physical, and emotional exhaustion from a series of toll-taking incidents in the...

Wi-fi and genetic mutations

British journal The Times featured a story on parents pushing for the dismantling of wi-fi infrastructure in schools as reports have indicated the dangers of 801.11 radio. The article cites the cause of parental concern: …low levels of microwave radiation...

The meager yuppie salary and expenses

Being a self-supporting student back in college and having the experience of a young urban professional for the past couple of years, I have learned a great deal about handling finances. Back in my college days, I had to budget my tuition, daily allowance, and leisure...
The otaku commune and niche marketing

The otaku commune and niche marketing

I have been contributing in our company’s marketing efforts (as associate and occasionally acting brand man) for almost a year now and I would have to say that the experience has broadened my perspective somehow. And it was quite an experience being under one of...