by Alex | Feb 22, 2007 | Technology
I’ve seen some computers affected by this “virus” and sadly, I think it’s not detected by Norton or AVG. Here’s a guide on how to remove it. Kudos to SHENGTON of the PCX Forums. 1. Run Task Manager Windows XP(Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc) or CTRL...
by Alex | Feb 19, 2007 | Internet, Technology
I’ve been using Mozilla Firefox ever since it first made its rounds in the browser market. And by golly I haven’t really used Internet Explorer for quite a while. Why? Because IE plain sucks. As far as my experiences with CSS and web design, following web...
by Alex | Feb 9, 2007 | Internet, Money, Technology
This sedentary life is killing me. I want to go out and work at Starbucks or some place. And for that to happen, I need a laptop. I’ll be just using it for typing, browsing, blogging, and a bit of photo manips here and there. I just want something with 512 MB of...
by Alex | Feb 3, 2007 | Education, Internet, Technology
So I spoke for St. Matthew’s College in Cainta, Rizal yesterday. My topic is built for the geek stuff – Learning Resources for the Internet Generation. “And boy, it was a blast. There were four different sessions for the different levels in high...
by Alex | Nov 9, 2006 | Technology
I do not like what Microsoft is doing with its impending release of Vista. I wrote an article a while back on the requirements of Microsoft’s latest OS. Vista requires more powerful hardware to run and a number of people, including colleagues have been...