by Alex | Feb 1, 2007 | Music
Authors Note:This is the first part on my How to buy a second-hand guitar series of articles. I’ve been sort of a guitar guide to newbie friends. I wouldn’t claim to be a guitar expert. I’ve just made and effort to combine my keen purchasing skills...
by Alex | Jan 31, 2007 | Music
Okay for Pinoy guitar afficionados who have been following the latest effects and accessories, you may have chanced upon the seemingly popular guitar effects brand Boston Engineering. It’s one of those great substitute brands for analog guitar effects. I...
by Alex | Jan 31, 2007 | Music
This came in from Vin Dancel (Admit One Productions, formerly of Twisted Halo). Peryodiko gig lineup for February. Feb 2 – Big Sky Mind Feb 17 – Admit One at saGuijo Feb 23 – Rock Ed Bicol Benefit at the Ateneo Feb 27 – saGuijo...
by Alex | Oct 5, 2006 | Business, Music
Emo. I have noticed in a few blogs (college students from UP, Christ, the humanity!) the use of emo to describe the state of angst. Emo, as a word (disputed as clipped form of “emotional” or “emotionally-driven hardcore punk”), came from its...