To think that I’ve spent the past twenty-two years of my life studying in a formal setting. Fancy that. Hours spent inside the classroom. I wonder if that should count as living at all. And guess what I’ll be doing for the next few years again.
Contrary to what some might believe, my real passion is computing. Ever since I keyed in my first DOS command some sixteen years ago, I knew that I’ll have a lifelong passion for these brilliant machines. Too bad my shitty law school pipe dream made me take up English Studies. Don’t get me wrong, I like applied linguistics and I’ve grown to be quite good at it.
Now, I want to pursue my real passion. The tricky part is knowing how to go about it properly. It has been four years since I actually coded a piece of software (aside from the minor WordPress PHP tweaks here and there). I have minimal understanding of basic principles of computer science and my math has decayed to somewhere below the level of high school algebra.
It’s not really practical for me to waste another three or four years to get a degree. Maybe I’ll just focus on the things that I like (web and game development) and try to wing it. Anyway, I could always approach some people to help me out.