What is in it for me?

As far as organizational communication goes, this is one question that many a communicator should always take into account. Place oneself into the target audience’s shoes and ask, “What’s in it for me?” Whenever I teach business communication,...

The profitability of English Studies

I might have been brash to attack my own (dying) degree but reality does affirm that English Studies (BAES, UP Diliman) has zero profitability. Survey the graduates of our batch and not one (aside from those who are teaching) has found a field to which the core...

Steak and strippers

Bryan (who happens to have finally launched Constant Random Change) and I have been discussing all sorts of things from technology to business. One points of our discussion was this observation on management and the technology business by former Ruby on Rails hacker...


The one reason why I didn’t believe in sending your car (especially if it’s a used car aging gracefully) to the dealership for repairs is the cost. For me, that was the sole reason why I avoided bringing our old Corolla to Toyota even if the dealership was...

Oh yes, I do bother myself with Capitalism

Okay, after that brief rant, let me do something that I haven’t really done – do some commentary over a few things (just like what I really intended to do with this blog). A few things to be covered in this post – dollar woes and putting up...