Against the default mindset

I’m always torn whenever I step inside my English for the Professions class and talk about the “default” mindset for fresh graduates and their initial practice of profession. While the class should only deal with business communication, I can’t...

2010 life lessons

To be nearing 30 with no sense of accomplishment. It just plain sucks. It’s that point in your life where reality kicks you hard in the balls and leave you . Forget quarter-life crisis. 30 is the new 40, methinks and the epiphany of answering the “What...

Whose responsibility?

A friend who works in HR shared to me how she encountered one personal evaluation sheet indicated that the employee feels that the organization has not provided him enough work hours to learn work skills. And the employee consistently regarded himself as...

Factoring in culture in shaping the workplace

All this argument about how this and that can increase productivity can be one mucky thing. Quite a lot of so-called management and productivity gurus locally are all about imposing learnings and knowledge that are based on a different culture as ours. Ever heard of...


Just some reflections on stuff I’ve been busy on. Maybe it’s high time for me to put up my own management/marketing/business development blog. On management It’s always about people. No amount of book-reading will able to substitute for the things...

New goals need new strategies

I really needed to reorganize to get back on track towards achieving the goals I set out to do this year. I rarely ever miss targets ever since ever but the past few months got me disoriented that I lost my groove. I was still meeting the targets but I struggled every...