Wee, I’m cited by the Blog Herald!

Thanks to J. Angelo for extending my discussion on blogging and generalizations. And on the Blog Herald no less! I’m seeing great inputs from the comments. I love his take on the differences of perspectives used by bloggers. This diversity, I guess, gives the...

Speaking on Game Development on Feb 19. and Feb. 20

Strike Feb. 21 and Feb. 22. I was informed that it’s today and tomorrow. Crappy schedulers. *** What can I say, I’ve got a big mouth (hypothetically, ’cause my mouth’s kind of small). I’ll be speaking about game development to high school...
2007 UP Fair sked and stuff

2007 UP Fair sked and stuff

And the Sunken Garden air will smell sweet and chocolate-y. Intoxicating. Why? ‘Cause it’s the UP Fair yet again. Booths. Bands. Babes. Anyway, I don’t know the complete schedules for each night (or the sponsors for each night). And since I’m...