
Just some reflections on stuff I’ve been busy on. Maybe it’s high time for me to put up my own management/marketing/business development blog. On management It’s always about people. No amount of book-reading will able to substitute for the things...

New goals need new strategies

I really needed to reorganize to get back on track towards achieving the goals I set out to do this year. I rarely ever miss targets ever since ever but the past few months got me disoriented that I lost my groove. I was still meeting the targets but I struggled every...

Attention to details and compromise while job hunting

Details. Details. Details. Can’t emphasize this enough. A few of my acquaintances who have just recently graduated are wondering why getting a job suddenly became so tough compared to how graduates from last year had it. Well, for one, the global economy is...

Valued opinion

One career drawback of working from home is that it takes its toll on the social aspect of one’s life and career. As for career advancement, who knows when the recession will end or, God forbid, another dotcom bubble bursts? Not that I’m saying that...

The profitability of English Studies

I might have been brash to attack my own (dying) degree but reality does affirm that English Studies (BAES, UP Diliman) has zero profitability. Survey the graduates of our batch and not one (aside from those who are teaching) has found a field to which the core...